During the Cruel Summer, Elderly Run Increased Risks from Heat

Prolonged, excessive heat can be a silent, yet mass killer. A few degrees of heat and humidity are all that separate the uncomfortable from the lethal. Life becomes a struggle for survival in high temperatures, particularly when searing winds team up with the scorching summer sun to produce heat waves. During heat waves, many people suffer from dehydration and sunstroke, particularly the elderly who run a serious risk of heat exhaustion and even death.

Dehydration caused by high temperatures is a severe medical emergency that leads to extremely high body temperature. Symptoms include hot, rapid, strong pulse and possible unconsciousness and delay of treatment can often be fatal. As the temperature rises, the hospital phone-line starts to ring to report collapses that were caused by heat exhaustion.

Unfortunately, some seniors on fixed income will opt to save money by turning down or turning off the air conditioner at times when they need it the most, making them even more vulnerable to the heat.  In recent years, evaporative coolers have become an increasingly popular alternative to A/C systems. Installing an evaporative cooler will bring many benefits for the elderly, mainly because it entails lower equipment costs and much reduced electricity bills as opposed to the commonly used energy guzzling and expensive vapor compression air conditioners.

At Desert Cooler Specialists we install a wide range of evaporative coolers designed for residential, industrial and commercial applications. Contact us to schedule an appointment: (760) 832-8737

2017-06-02T23:40:22+00:00October 1st, 2013|Desert Coolers in Cathedral City|